Topic Specific E-learning Courses

In recognition that many questions arise regarding specific areas of the law, the Ethics Commission has created several e-courses regarding specific topics and public entities.

These e-courses serve as a springboard to begin discussion and to enhance understanding of the Ethics Law in your agency. While these courses do not provide proof of attendance, they are appropriate for staff meetings where attendance can be internally noted.

Please also note that the very brief courses below (less than 45 minutes) do not fulfill the annual ethics training requirement for state employees under the Governor’s Executive Order. To attend an e-course that will fulfill that requirement, please take The Ohio Ethics Law E-Course or attend one of our live webinars.

Please click on a link below to access a course.

Financial Disclosure Statements 101 (25 minutes)

This e-course provides a helpful overview on the who, what, why, when, and how of completing a financial disclosure statement. The course walks learners through the Ethics Commission’s online filing system question-by-question and provides numerous additional resources to assist filers in fulfilling their financial disclosure requirements.

The Ohio Ethics Law: Investigations 101 (10 minutes)

Have you ever wondered how investigations of the Ethics Law occur? Take a look into the behind-the-scenes investigative process at the Ohio Ethics Commission in this e-course!

The Ohio Ethics Law: Advisory Opinions 101 (10 minutes)

Everyone in public service is welcome to seek the guidance of the Ohio Ethics Commission! Curious about the process? Watch this brief e-course to find out more about Advisory Opinions and the Ohio Ethics Law!

The “Conference Question” (15 minutes)

Heading off to a work conference or seminar? Before you pack your bags, be aware of several restrictions under the Ohio Ethics Law regarding attendance at conferences. This e-course will answer some of the most commonly questions regarding conference issues, such as travel expenses, door prizes, and receptions.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Conflicts of Interest (15 minutes)

What is a conflict of interest? Must they be avoided? How do I respond if I have a conflict? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, this is the course for you. This e-course will examine issues related to conflicts of interest in public service, provide real-life example, and offer guidance on responding to conflicts.

The Ohio Ethics Law and County Elections Boards (40 minutes)

County boards of elections provide an invaluable service in promoting fair and safe elections. As a “thank you” for their vital work, the Ethics Commission has prepared this course just for county elections boards and employees to assist them in understanding and complying with the Ohio Ethics Law.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Firefighters Four-Part Series

A customized e-course especially for those of you in the safety forces! How does the Ethics Law interact with your career and public service? What should you know about accepting gifts? Do conflicts of interest arise for firefighters and EMTs? We recognize that you brave men and women are always ready to help us; this course is our chance to help you, too (in understanding and complying with the Ethics Law)!

The Ohio Ethics Law and Firefighters Part 1: Conflicts of Interest and Post-Employment (15 minutes)

The Ohio Ethics Law and Firefighters Part 2: Gifts (15 minutes)

The Ohio Ethics Law and Firefighters Part 3: Public Contracts and Nepotism (15 minutes)

The Ohio Ethics Law and Firefighters Part 4: Sales to Public Agencies (15 minutes)

The Ohio Ethics Law and Gifts (15 minutes)

Wondering if you can tee up with your agency’s vendor? Or accept the tin of cookies from someone in the regulated community? This brief e-course will explore the Conflict of Interest provision of the Ethics Law as it relates to gifts. A helpful course for anyone in the public sector as well as private sector entities who do business with or are regulated by a state or local governmental agency.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Law Enforcement (60 minutes)

An e-course especially designed for the men and women of law enforcement! How does the Ethics Law interact with your career and public service? What should you know about accepting gifts? Do conflicts of interest arise for police officers and county sheriffs? Dive into this customized e-course to ensure that you comply with the law even as you enforce it! This course has been approved for one general credit hour of Continuing Professional Training by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Nepotism (10 minutes)

Public agencies are required to conduct all hiring activity in a fair, open and impartial manner. Therefore, nepotism – hiring or influencing the hiring process in favor of a family member into a public service position – is illegal. Watch this brief e-course for more information.

The Ohio Ethics Law and New Township Trustees and Employees (30 minutes)

Serving a township can be a rewarding and challenging role! One way to ensure you serve effectively and honorably is to be aware of and obey the Ohio Ethics Law. This recorded webinar is a helpful resource regarding the Ethics Law as you embark on your township service. This basic overview of the statute as it pertains to townships will equip you in understanding and complying with the law.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Non-Profit Organizations (15 minutes)

A brief synopsis of the Ohio Ethics Law specifically drafted for those working for or serving non-profit organizations. This e-course outlines Ethics Law restrictions that are relevant for non-profits that interact with or potentially seek grants from public entities.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Post-Employment (15 minutes)

Thinking of a new career adventure? Public officials and employees who are leaving public service or moving from one public position to another are subject to job-seeking and post-employment provisions of the Ethics Law and related statutes. These laws help ensure that the public is fairly represented in all interactions with the public and private sectors. This brief e-course offers information on how to make a smooth transition to the next chapter of your life.

The Ohio Ethics Law and the Private Sector (15 minutes)

A helpful synopsis of the Ohio Ethics Law, this 15 minute e-course is specifically geared toward those in the private sector. The e-course outlines Ethics Law restrictions that are relevant to those who work with or are regulated by governmental entities.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Public Boards and Commissions (50 minutes)

Boards and commissions at the state and local level often work hard behind the scenes to assure Ohioans that government operations and oversight are carried out effectively and objectively. To support their efforts, the Ethics Commission has prepared this course for board members and employees to assist them in understanding and complying with the Ohio Ethics Law.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Public Contracts (10 minutes)

Simply put, a public contract is the expenditure of public money. Though public entities routinely spend money on routine goods and services, there are prohibitions against public officials and employees from having a financial interest in those expenditures. This e-course will explore the definition and examples of public interest and outline associated prohibitions.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Public Libraries (45 minutes)

We love libraries; the books, the resources, the expertise – and all for free! As a “thank you” for serving the public through the power of the written word, the Ethics Commission has created a course to ensure that you never have to worry about missteps in your years at the public library. Watching this recorded webinar isn’t just helpful, it’s just plain “book smart!”

The Ohio Ethics Law and Public Schools (60 minutes)

If you have ever wondered how the Ethics Law applies to those who serve public school districts, this recorded webinar is for you; it’s the ABCs of the Ohio Ethics Law! This course will walk you through the major provisions and restrictions of the statutes and even outline some exceptions as the law applies to school districts. After reviewing this webinar, you’ll be glad you’ve “graduated” into better understanding the Ethics Law.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Public Universities/Colleges (60 minutes)

Public colleges and universities have a big job to do - educate the next generation of thinkers and doers while complying with the Ohio Ethics Law. This recorded webinar provides the “Ethics Law 101” for those who work at or serve a public institution of higher learning. Study this recorded webinar, comply with the law, and let the education commence!

The Ohio Ethics Law and Public University and College Trustees (45 minutes)

An accompaniment to our Public Universities/Colleges recorded class, this session is customized specifically for those who serve on public college and university boards of trustees. Study with us how to ensure compliance with the Ethics Law while serving on the board while maintaining outside interests and careers.

The Ohio Ethics Law and Sales to Public Agencies (10 minutes)

Public agencies routinely purchase goods or services to ensure the efficient operation of the agencies’ missions – that’s normal and expected. Is it acceptable, however, for public employees and public officials to sell those goods and services to their own, or in some cases, to other public agencies? This brief e-course outlines prohibitions in the Ethics Law regarding public servants and sales to public agencies.

The Ohio Ethics Law: Travel, Meals, and Lodging (10 minutes)

This course focuses on questions regarding travel, meals, and lodging expenses as they pertain to public service. Some public officials’ and employees’ duties require that they travel, which can lead to transportation, lodging, and meal costs. This e-course will outline restrictions under the Ohio Ethics Law on this topic and address the most commonly asked questions regarding travel expenses.