Ethics Law Training

Common Training Questions

State law does not require attendance at an Ethics Law training session. The statute requires that the Ethics Commission make educational options available. This information allows those in the public and private sectors to understand and comply with the Ethics Law.

State employees are currently required per Executive Order 2019-11D participate in some form of annual Ethics training. In addition, some local government agencies have internal training policies that may require a training regarding the Ethics Law. For options on how to obtain training from the Ethics Commission, please see question #2.

The Ethics Commission offers numerous options for Ethics Education:

  • Schedule an Ethics Commission speaker
  • Participate in one of the Ethics Commission’s monthly live webinars
  • Take an online and on-demand Ethics Law electronic course

The Ethics Commission conducts almost 200 presentations each year. These sessions range from 30 minute keynote addresses to one, two or three hour workshops. The Commission’s obligation to be fiscally responsible in challenging economic times, however, requires that travel be reserved for speeches with larger groups. If you are interested in having the Commission speak at your agency or office outside Columbus, we request a minimum of 75 people be in attendance. If that is not possible, please contact Susan Willeke at (614) 466-7090 or at to discuss options.

Yes. The Ohio Ethics Commission sponsors CLE seminars for public practice attorneys each year. The seminars are offered free of charge and are approved for 2.5 hours of attorney professional conduct instruction. For the current CLE schedule or to register for a class, visit our Continuing Legal Education Seminars page.

Would you like to subscribe to our CLE List? If so, email Susan Willeke at with “CLE” in the subject line.

To receive the Ohio Ethics Commission’s quarterly newsletter, email Susan Willeke at with “Newsletter” in the subject line.

To receive the Ohio Ethics Commission’s news releases, email Susan Willeke at with “News Releases” in the subject line.

The Ohio Ethics Law requires that new public officials and employees receive a copy of the Ohio Ethics Law and related statutes within 15 days of beginning the performance of their official duties. The copy of the law must be provided by the public agency the public official or employee serves or the appointing authority. The new public official or employee must also acknowledge receipt of the law in writing. A PDF copy of the Ohio Ethics Law is attached below for your convenience in providing it to new public officials and employees.

 Ohio Ethics Law and Related Statutes

 Overview of the Ohio Ethics Law