Frequently Searched Topics

Click the link below to review Formal Advisory Opinions on frequently searched topics. To see all formal advisory opinions visit the Formal Advisory Opinion Archive.

Conflicts of Interest

 86-007    (interest in private business licensed by board)
 87-003    (serving on public board and non-profit board)
 88-004    (general and uniform benefits)
 89-006    (teaching at college that receives public grants)
 91-006    (public official’s interest in gas and oil well drilling matters)
 91-009    (representation restrictions)
 92-013    (participating in infrastructure improvement matters)
 92-019    (participating in road extension matters impacting council member)
 93-016    (outside business interests)
 96-002    (representation restrictions)
 96-004    (conflicts related to private outside employment)
 98-002    (matters impacting family member’s property)
 99-004    (simultaneously serving on ESC and JVS boards)
 2007-01  (council member employed by college)
 2011-02  (department director’s abstention)
 2013-01  (participating in matters affecting outside employer)
 2016-01  (employment with non-profit that receives public assistance)
 2018-02  (participation in property matters)
 2021-02  (vote for oneself as presiding officer)
 2024-01  (serving on a non-profit board in official capacity)


 86-003    (serving as Veteran Home resident’s executor)
 86-011    (travel, meal and lodging matters) (overruled, in part, by Ohio Adm. Code 102-3-08 Appx. A.)
 89-002    (donations to public entities)
 89-014    (travel, meal and lodging matters)
 90-001    (travel, meal and lodging matters)
 92-014    (grants and regional planning commissions)
 92-015    (public employees and discounts)
 95-001    (city council and sports tickets)
 96-003    (disclosing gifts on financial disclosure statement)
 97-001    (public officials and incentives to retire)
 2001-03  (public official and substantial things of value)
 2001-04  (travel, meal and lodging matters)
 2002-02  (meals, open houses & receptions at conferences)
 2003-03  (gifts and meals provided to college employees)
 2009-01  (gifts from spouse’s employer)
 2009-03  (tickets to charitable events)
 2019-01  (ceremonials gifts)
 2020-01  (bequests)
 2020-03  (attending ceremonial events)
 2023-01  (donations and payments to government entities)

Public Jobs & Family

 80-001    (public contract and family member)
 82-003    (school board member voting on spouse’s union contract)
 85-015    (sheriff obtaining public employment for spouse)
 89-005    (school board member voting on spouse’s union contract)
 90-004    (city council member married to municipal judge)
 90-010    (city director or fire chief authorizing employment for son at fire department)
 91-004    (city council member married to planning commission member)
 92-012    (city council member married to city employee)
 92-017    (school board member receiving benefits from spouse employed by school district)
 97-004    (library employee with family member seeking employment)
 98-003    (school superintendent with family members working for district)
 2008-03  (definition of family, including stepchildren)
 2009-02  (matters involving family member’s employer)
 2010-03  (nepotism restrictions)


 80-008    (former state employee representing client on matter with personal participation)
 82-002    (former state auditor employee representing new employer)
 84-005    (former state employee representing new employer on new matter before former agency)
 86-001    (former employee of Department of Insurance representing client before former employer)
 86-006    (former state employees representing new employer)
 87-001    (former public employee accepting employment with company under contract with former agency)
 87-004    (former public official accepting employment with company receiving public contract/grant he/she authorized)
 89-003    (post-employment restrictions for those who had solid/hazardous waste discretion) (overruled, in part, by  Adv. Op. No. 91-003)
 89-009    (former transit authority employee contracting with transit authority)
 91-003    (post-employment restrictions for those who had solid/hazardous waste discretion)
 92-005    (former assistant law director retained by port authority)
 99-001    (post-employment restrictions and former county Child Support Enforcement Agency attorneys)
 2004-04  (explains the term “proposal, consideration, or enactment” of legislation)
 2011-03  (overview of the post-employment restrictions)
 2012-03  (new revolving door exceptions)
 2012-04  (revolving door law exception)

Public Contracts

 85-004    (acting on public contracts that impact business associates)
 85-013    (authorizing public contract to benefit one’s own business)
 86-009    (securing public property lease to benefit private employer)
 88-007    (authorizing public contracts for spouse’s law firm)
 90-005    (school district employees selling goods on “as needed” basis)
 90-007    (county prosecutor and private law practice)
 92-002    (acting on public contracts that benefit family member’s employer)
 92-003    (acting on public contracts that impact business associates) (inapplicable, in part, due to subsequent amendments to R.C. 2921.421, R.C. 309.06, and R.C. 733.621)
 92-008    (township employee also employed at bank used by township)
 94-002    (public school teacher owns driver training school)
 97-004    (authorizing public contracts where family member has an interest)
 98-003    (superintendent acting on contract impacting family members)
 2000-02  (acting on public contracts where public official’s company has an interest)
 2009-02  (matters affecting family member's employer)
 2009-06  (Ohio Ethics Law and stimulus funds)
 2013-01  (fire chief approving payments to educational institutions)
 2016-01  (public officials employed by entities that receive public financial assistance)
 2021-01  (serving an organization when public entity is a dues-paying member)

Sales to Public Agencies

 82-007    (accounting firm partner contracting with regional sewer district appointed as district trustee)
 84-013    (city employee marketing software developed by private employer)
 84-014    (public employee receiving commission for purchase from private employer)
 87-002    (county official selling property/services to county)
 88-008    (city council member serving as insurance company director with public contract by city council)
 89-010    (selling tool sharpening services to another state agency)
 90-003    (school board member selling goods/services to school district)
 90-005    (school district employees selling goods on “as needed” basis)
 2001-02  (port authority board member owns company seeking bond)
 2023-01  (donations and payments to government entities)